According to them…
Ventrobi is a cryptocurrency trading platform developed by a team of experts specializing in various trading strategies, including spot trading, futures, scalping, and smart trade. Under the leadership of Rafael Akbarov, Ventrobi leverages the extensive experience and knowledge of its team to provide a comprehensive trading experience.
The Problem?
None of this is backed up with any proof.
And it gets worse…

Their CEO Rafael Akbarov doesn’t seem to exist outside of Ventrobi, he has no digital foot print
On top of that, there seems to be a team of people with titles of company officials but they list none of their legal names.
They even appear to be taking the same poses in some kind of ‘rented’ office set up.

My guess would be they are all paid actors or the very people who are hoping to cash in off deposits coming to the company.
The hook behind this company?
Here is what they are saying…
Instead of engaging in active trading themselves, investors benefit from the expertise of the Ventrobi team, who use their deep market knowledge to maximize returns through advanced trading techniques.
The Problem with this idea?
These guys are not showing any proof of any trading, experts or ownership.
Ventrobi Compensation Plan:
Passive Investors invest from $100 to $1,499 (US) worth of Crypto and are promised 1 to 1.6% daily.

And for those who are more brave, they have a Premium Plan:
Investment of $15K to half a Million Dollars for a promise of 1.2 to 1.8% daily to a maximum of 75 weekdays.
Reinvestment will be required to keep earning passively after plans have expired.
Ventrobi Affiliate Program:
They have 12 affiliate ranks where network marketers build teams of people who all hope to convince others to invest their hard earned money which will turn over a commission to the recruiter.
How this works: Network Marketers will go after friends, co-workers and even family in hopes to recruit them into Ventrobi to invest money.
As an affiliate gets someone to put in their money, they will earn a commission.
All affiliates start at the Starter Rank:
Required Team Stake: $0
Number of referral levels 2
Referral Commissions
And can work their way right up to the rank of KING (if the company lasts long enough):
Required Team Stake: $25m
Number of referral levels 8
Referral Commissions
I personally don’t recommend this passive income opportunity.
Too many red flags:
1- Fake CEO
2- Paid Actors Team
3- Rented Office Set Up
4- Not Registered anywhere to legally offer an ROI
5-Shady people promoting this on the Internet who have been known for promoting scams
and lastly…
If Rafael and the gang behind this scheme could actually come up with a way to make up to 1.8% daily, why would they need an affiliate program (network marketing)?
Once network marketing dries up, this scheme will collapse leaving the majority of passive investors in deep losses.
About the Author:
-Rory Singh

Ex Truck Driver in Canada
I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.
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