affiliate mentor review

Affiliate Mentor Review – Make $1K Per Day Or Hyped Up Scam?

affiliate mentor review

Can you really make up to $1K per day quickly and easily as they claim while allowing you to go on vacation and enjoy life like they are saying?

Let’s find out…

Affiliate Mentor The Company:

There is no information about who owns or runs this company on their website.

Upon landing there, visitors are greeted with lots of hype:

affiliate mentor income claims

This is giving the visitor the impression that they can make $1,000 per day just by clicking a button.

Then in the video, the speaker claims that you can make ‘easy’ money using this system, go on vacations etc and still earn big $$$

affiliate mentor easy money

Cost To Join Affiliate Mentor:

affiliate mentor start up costs

The first option is to join at $49.50

The Second option is Core + VIP for $346.50

Affiliate Mentor MLM Compensation Plan:

How To Make Money With Affiliate Mentor?

You Send Traffic to your affiliate link, X amount of people sign up.


If someone purchases the Core for $49.50, you earn $20

If someone purchases the annual subscription, you make $200

Affiliate Mentor Matrix Cycler Commissions Explained:

When you join for the Core + VIP Level, you are positioned at the top of a 2 X 2 Matrix:

affiliate mentor 2x2 mlm matrix compensation plan

As you send traffic to your affiliate link, if people join, they are placed in the positions below you.

Once all 6 positions are filled below you, a $500 cycle is generated for you and your sponsor receives a 50% commission for $250.


Affiliate Mentor is not a scam.

However it does deal with a lot of hype.

At the end of the day, your success will come down to how much traffic that you can afford to send to your links.

If you have a budget in place and use their wholesale traffic from Traffic Authority (for 50% off), you can make some income for yourself.

But just like any other affiliate program, there is no easy success.

You will have to work for it.

rory singh story

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

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