Can you really make up to $1K per day quickly and easily as they claim while allowing you to go on vacation and enjoy life like they are saying?
Let’s find out…
Affiliate Mentor The Company:
There is no information about who owns or runs this company on their website.
Upon landing there, visitors are greeted with lots of hype:

This is giving the visitor the impression that they can make $1,000 per day just by clicking a button.
Then in the video, the speaker claims that you can make ‘easy’ money using this system, go on vacations etc and still earn big $$$

Cost To Join Affiliate Mentor:

The first option is to join at $49.50
The Second option is Core + VIP for $346.50
Affiliate Mentor MLM Compensation Plan:
How To Make Money With Affiliate Mentor?
You Send Traffic to your affiliate link, X amount of people sign up.
If someone purchases the Core for $49.50, you earn $20
If someone purchases the annual subscription, you make $200
Affiliate Mentor Matrix Cycler Commissions Explained:
When you join for the Core + VIP Level, you are positioned at the top of a 2 X 2 Matrix:

As you send traffic to your affiliate link, if people join, they are placed in the positions below you.
Once all 6 positions are filled below you, a $500 cycle is generated for you and your sponsor receives a 50% commission for $250.
Affiliate Mentor is not a scam.
However it does deal with a lot of hype.
At the end of the day, your success will come down to how much traffic that you can afford to send to your links.
If you have a budget in place and use their wholesale traffic from Traffic Authority (for 50% off), you can make some income for yourself.
But just like any other affiliate program, there is no easy success.
You will have to work for it.

About the Author:
-Rory Singh
EX Canadian Truck Driver
I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.
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