future multiverse review

Future Multiverse Review – Ponzi Or Legit Blockchain Project?

future multiverse review

Is Future Multiverse a Legit Blockchain Project or a horrible scam from Dubai? Read this full review before parting ways with your crypto!

Future Multiverse The Company:

On their website, there is no information about who owns or runs this company, platform and system. I visited yesterday and there were links to an about us section with people, pictures and bios.

Today I revisited and for some reason they ‘disabled’ all of their links:

future multiverse scam

Future Multiverse Domain Registration:

The domain (futuremultiverse.com) was privately registered on December 12, 2023:

future multiverse domain registration

Despite of their website being online since New Years Eve 2023, they don’t seem to have very much traffic which is kind of odd:

future multiverse low traffic statistics

According to what I read yesterday, they claimed…

Groundbreaking platform, a digital utopia promising the seamless integration of blockchain, NFTs, artificial intelligence, and hyper-realistic virtual environments. Next great evolution in digital economies and limitless possibilities.

This gives investors the idea that they can prosper for years to come by leveraging this platform but sadly there is no proof that any of what they promise actually exists.

Future Multiverse Investment Plans:

Investors can exchange their legit crypto for daily and unsustainable roi ‘promises’ of ROI.

They have investment plans starting at $250 right up to $500K.

Future Multiverse Affiliate Program:

The listed a flat rate of 18% for members who bring family in to invest.

I can not determine if they have a network marketing compensation plan but usually systems like these use unilevel mlm compensation plans.


Since Future Multiverse seems to have froze all of the links on their website for some reason, this makes me think that they are involved in hiding something from the public for ‘legal’ reasons.

That would indicate that they are hiding something right from the get go.

Aside from the fact there is zero evidence that they are promising passive returns to hopeful crypto investors, there is no proof of any revenue going into their platform other than affiliate recruitment.

Red Flags:

1- Locking their links on their website

2- Not registered with any Securities Regulator

3- FXTE Tokens (this is their own home grown mlm coin that can be created in minutes by paid programmers and have no value outside of Future Multiverse)

4- No Proof that these guys can actually create passive roi for anyone

5- No Proof of any of their promises what so ever

Once recruitment dries up or they get shut down by the authorities, Future Multiverse will collapse leaving their passive crypto investors holding a useless, worthless bag of mlm tokens.

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

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