niolic review

Niolic Review – Legit Broker and Fake Reviews?

niolic review

Niolic The Company:

The good news is there are pictures of people, names and even bios in their about us section.

The bad news is none of them exist.

They are all AI fictional characters.

The CEO is John Lamb:

niolic ceo john lamb

Lamb does not exist out of cyberspace.

Niolic ( Domain Registration:

niolic domain registration

Top Countries in Traffic:

niolic top countries in traffic

Their London address seems to be a picture that they took from Google Images:

niolic fake london uk address

Niolic Investment Plans:

Investors exchange fiat for crypto and invest their funds for a daily promised roi.

They are promising 0.5 to 5.5% daily.

Investment starts at $25 right up to $250K

Niolic Affiliate Program (MLM Compensation Plan):

They are paying out to a depth of 5 levels deep:

Level 1- 8%

Level 2- 5%

Level 3- 3%

Level 4- 2%

Level 1- 1%


This looks like a horrible scam.


1- AI CEO and Team

2- Not registered with FCA

3- Ridiculous return rates

4- Fake Address

5- Fake Insurance


Once network marketing recruitment dries up (or they get shut down by authorities), the Niolic system will collapse leaving the majority of passive income investors in deep losses.

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

Looking for a Legitimate Way to earn Full Time Income?

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