Minervabot The Company:
There is no information about who owns, or runs this company, system and platform. What you are dealing with is anonymous experts with no credibility.
The only person that I could find representing this company is a guy calling himself ‘Marshall Jacobs’ as the company representative on youtube:

The problem?
I can not find any digital foot print outside Minervabot to prove that this is his real identity.
Sure he is a real person but most likely a paid actor who is reading off of a script.
Domain Registration:
GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registered On:
Expires On:
Updated On:
Legal Registration:
Minervabot is not registered with any Securities Regulator in the world to legally offer the public an investment opportunity.
Top Countries (in traffic) to minervabot.net are:

Traffic Graph (last 2 months):

The good news is traffic seems to be rising. The bad news is it’s rising due to network marketing promotion.
Investment Plans:
Passive investors take fiat and convert it into crypto to fund ROI packages:
Static Bot:
$10 -$999 investment
0.8 to 1.2% daily
Duration- 55- 85 days
Smart Bot:
$1,000 to $4,999 investment
1.4% to 1.8% daily
Duration: 55 – 85 days
Accelerated Bot:
$5,000 – $24,999
Up to 2.4% Daily
Duration: 55 – 85 days
High Frequency Bot:
$25,000 (and up) investment
2.6% to 3% daily
Duration: 55 to 85 days
Affiliate Program (network marketing):
Affiliates are paid commissions using an MLM Unilevel Compensation Plan to a depth of 10 levels deep:
Level 1- 9%
Level 2- 3%
Levels 4 & 5: 1%
Levels 5 to 10: 0.5%
Cost to join:
Free for Network Marketing Professionals but a minimum of $10 for passive income investors to earn from the investment side of things.
I don’t recommend Minervabot.
Too many red flags:
1- Anonymous Experts
2- No Credibility or Proof they can create passive income
3- Not Registered
4- People who are known for promoting crypto project scams that have already collapsed causing many too lose their financial shirts are promoting Minvervabot online
5- Unsustainable Returns…
If these anonymous people could figure out how to create a trading bot that can yield up to 3% daily, why would they need a network marketing comp plan and random strangers from the internet to invest?
If Minervabot could actually create this kind of income for themselves, all they need to do is take out a huge investors loan and silently create Billions for themselves.
The only verifiable revenue going into this platform to pay investors is from network marketing recruitment.
Once recruitment dries up, this scheme will collapse leaving the majority of passive income investors in deep losses.
And it gets worse…
Minervabot claims that they have Protections and Security for Investor Funds.
Here is a screen shot taken from their website:

The problem?
The ASIC is a Securities Regulator for Australia.
They regulate financial companies offering ROI.
ASIC does not offer protection to investors.
About the Author:

-Rory Singh
EX Canadian Truck Driver
I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.
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