dao1 review

DAO1 Review – Another GS Partners Spin off?

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dao1 review

DAO1 The Company:

There is no information about who owns or runs this company on their website.

Their main website domain (dao1.ai) was privately registered on November 19, 2024.

Top Countries to their website:

dao1 top countries

Traffic Statistics for last 2 months:

dao1 traffic stats

DAO1 affiliates are leading with the idea of automated trading robots, mining bots and even their own in house home grown MLM token called Apertum (APT) to attract passive income enthusiasts into the scheme.

Legal Registration:

They are not registered with any Securities Regulator in the world to offer an investment opportunity legally to the public.

DAO1 Investors take their hard earned money, exchange it to crypto and then purchase packages to earn ROI.

They have 5 different packages to choose from:

1- Lunar, costs $50 worth of USDT and gives you 2 trading bots and 1 apt bot

2- Solar, costs $500, gives you 4 trading bots and 1 apt bot

3- Nebula, costs $2,000, gives you 8 trading bots and 1 apt bot

4- Nova, costs $5,000, gives you 13 trading bots and 1 apt bot

5- Galactic, costs $10,000, gives you 26 trading bots and 1 apt bot

There is no proof that any of these bots exist or that they can actually create passive ROI for investors.

DAO1 MLM Compensation Plan:

Affiliates and distributors get paid referral commissions for convincing others to invest.

They are paying out using an MLM Uni level Compensation Plan to a depth of 9 levels deep:

Level 1- 20%

Level 2- 7%

Levels 3 to 5- 20%

Levels 6 & 7- 2%

Levels 8 & 9- 1%


I don’t recommend this platform.


Too many red flags:

1- Anonymous Owners

2- Not Legally Registered

3- No Credibility

4- No Proof of Actual Bots or if they actually work

5- Rumoured to be owned and operated by GSPartners Kingpin Josip Heit who appears in one of their marketing videos as a speaker.

gspartners josip heit

Another clue is they are blocking all traffic from The US and Canada where Heit and GSPartners ended up scamming many Americans and Canadians out of their hard earned money after their ponzi scheme got into trouble with Canadian and American Securities Regulators.

At the end of the day…

The only revenue going into DAO1 is from the Network Marketing Recruitment.

Once recruitment dries up, this DAO1 scheme will collapse leaving the majority of participants in deep losses and Heit, GSPartners gang and their top recruiters will come up with another scheme to scam more victims.

rory singh

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

Looking for a Legitimate Way to earn Full Time Income?

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