bitharvest bitbooster review

BitHarvest BitBooster Review – Real Mining Facilities in Texas?

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bitharvest bitbooster review

I reviewed Bitharvest on my youtube channel back in July 2024 and somethings just didn’t add up…

The first thing that stood out to me regarding BitHarvest was the CEO:

The CEO is calling himself “Logan Lee” but it turns out that his real name is Steve Ng as you can see in this image of him posing at the Asian Poker Tour:

bitharvest ceo steve ng

So Bitharvest isn’t off to a good start because they were lying right from the start.

Now they claim these little USB Devices:

bitbooster review scam or legit?

Bitbooster can help create passive roi for investors (without you even knowing how they work).

Then in their Official Malaysia Company Event last July, they were showing videos claiming that their Mining Facilities are based in Texas:

bitharvest texas mining farms?

When someone asked why the exact locations were not given, someone replied that people would target and blow up mining rigs in Texas!

There are mining facilities in Texas and no one is hiding or blowing them up lol.

On other event footage, you can see their CEO posing in front of what appears to be the equivalent of ‘rented’ office space:

bitharvest ceo posing in front mining facilities

If you know someone (even a janitor) at a mining facility, you can offer them money in return to walk around and pretend that their facilities are your facilities.

Another thing that came to mind when watching the Malaysian Event Video was this…

bitharvest bitbooster usb devices

Where are all the Bitharvest Bitboosters that passive investors are buying?

They are clearly not in the video!

Novatech CEO and Founder (Cynthia Petion) did the same thing in the past when she was part of the AWS Mining Scam (an MLM Company pretending they had real mining facilities):

cynthia petion aws mining scam

As it turned out, AWS Mining didn’t have any real mining or facilities.

They just bullshitted passive investors and made them believe so.

The same thing is happening right now with BitHarvest.

Some people new to MLM Crypto Scams will see a company host an event in front of many people, set up booths ETC and some will even make a publishing on Yahoo Finance…think to themselves…This must be Legit!

In the end, Bitharvest is doing just that…

Pretending that they have Mining Farms and USB Devices that can help passive investors create wealth.

But if that was true, Bitharvest admins would just keep their farms, mining equipment and their fancy USB’s to themselves instead of pawning them off to ‘hopeful’ passive crypto enthusiasts.

rory singh

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

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