danny de hek you tube channel restored

Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger Youtube Channel Reinstated!

danny de hek you tube channel restored

I never really watched any of this guys videos (Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger) on youtube until I stumbled upon an article from Behind MLM that he got his channel terminated.

cypto ponzi scheme youtube channel termination

“We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our sex and nudity policy. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.”

Danny Dehek is a New Zealand resident who took it upon himself to ‘expose’ MLM Crypto Scams and the Scammers behind them.

He has gone further than many Scam Busters to the point where he got summoned to court by scammers, had to arrange a legal team to defend himself and then the case withdrawn just hours before the case.

His court story got the attention of the New York Times:

danny de hek, crypto ponzi scheme avenger, new york times

De Hek is hated ferociously by MLM Crypto Scammers because he seems to show up in their team zoom meetings or arranges ‘unsuspecting’ victim scammers interviews where they think they are going to get more spotlight and he lights them on fire.

Strike One:

In December 2024 he interviewed a guy (Ryan Conley) known for promoting scams and Conley ended up exposing his hairy buttocks briefly for a few seconds in the live stream:

ryan conley exposed his buttocks on crypto ponzi scheme avenger livestream

It seems that the Scammers hate Danny because he has a way of getting under their skin.

Strike Two:

January 20th, 2025:

Danny was livestreaming a zoom meeting hosted by Scam Promoter Megan Lynch and one of her followers…a guy calling himself ‘tugman’ posted some kind of explicit content to get De hek’s zoom efforts shut down…

megan lynch scam promoter follower tugman shows explicit content on livestream

Strike Three:

I am not exactly sure what the third strike against Danny De Hek’s channel was but most likely it was because of some kind of technicality.

Long Story Short…

January 21st, 2025 he loses his channel.

January 25th youtube reinstates his channel.

Scammers are piss angry!

rory singh story

About the Author:

-Rory Singh

EX Canadian Truck Driver

I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.

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