Read this Review of Diamond Ridge Financial Academy (also known as Diamond Ridge Asset Management) before signing up for their free $2000 Trading Account. Is this legit or a scam?
According to them…
At Diamond Ridge Financial Academy, we are committed to providing a comprehensive educational experience that empowers investors through innovative training programs. Our departments are designed to deliver specialized knowledge and practical skills in the ever-evolving financial landscape.
They are leading with ‘education’.

Are they a scam or legitimate ai trading academy and firm?
Read on to find out…
Diamond Ridge Financial Academy (Diamond Ridge Asset Management) The Company:
The good news is there seems to be pictures of people, names and even bios…

The bad news is none of them can be verified ‘outside’ of Diamond Ridge Financial Academy.
There are not digital footprints on any of these people outside their website.
The images appear to be of real people but AI ‘enhanced’.
Their website domain (www.diamondridgeai.com) was privately registered on September 22, 2024:

You would think that a company as professional looking as this would have been around longer than 101 days.
Top Traffic to their website:

FREE $2K Investor Accounts:
In a bid to appear credible and legitimate, Investors can create a free trading profile that allows them to trade with Diamond Ridge Financial Academy ‘house money’.
This tactic will most likely attract many participants.
They will even allow you to make ‘real’ withdrawals in the beginning on small amounts to ‘encourage’ you to invest larger amounts later…

Diamond Ridge Trading Academy (Diamond Ridge Asset Management) looks like an investment scam.
1- Company Team can not be verified. They look like ‘fake’ identities
2- No proof of Registration or Licenses with Securities Regulators
3- No Proof of real trading. It’s very easy to fool the average person who wants fast and unsustainable gains
4- Almost brand new website which is only 4 months old
5- Investors / Victims are being contacted on whatsapp by ‘helpful’ individuals who appear caring about your financial future
If any firm uses whatsapp, Messenger or some other messaging app to contact you about investing, trading and your finances…they are a scam!

About the Author:
-Rory Singh
EX Canadian Truck Driver
I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.
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Hi Rory,
I commented on your YouTube about diamond ridge. I have transcripts from WhatsApp going back as far as 13 December 2024.
I’ll get back to you shortly Billy