RCO Finance The Company:
There is no information about who owns or runs this company on their website. What you are dealing with is a case of anonymous owners / crypto experts.
Domain Registration for (rcofinance.com):

Many investors think that just because a domain has some age, that it must be grounds for legitimacy.
Is that really true?
Read on and we’ll find out.
Top Countries to rcofinance.com in traffic:

Last Month Traffic Statistics:

In my due diligence I have found a mix of reviews…
Some people online have claimed that RCO Finance is an outright scam while others ‘hope’ it’s legitimate and will yield them a financial windfall.
On their website, they are boasting some big claims…

Currently at the time of doing this RCO Finance Review article, you can purchase their RCOF Tokens for just under 7 cents (USDT).
And to some hopeful investors, this could mean a substantial return on what seems like a small investment (if this could really happen).
And the HYPE gets worse…
AI Robo Trader:
According to them…
RCO Finance is the first AI-Powered decentralized trading platform that hosts a machine learning robo advisor giving DeFi investors the market edge.

This obviously isn’t true.
Crypto Ponzi Schemes have been saying the same exact thing for years that their robo trader (ai) was the first successful robo trader ETC.
The Problem?
There is no proof that their ai trading bot (advisor) can actually work at creating profit for investors.
There is only talk about this bot and hyped up marketing videos that get investors excited.
Audits By ‘Trusted’ Partners:
In another layer of trying to build trust with potential investors, RCO Finance has partnered up with other websites that prove legitimacy of crypto projects, but some people think the auditors are just as shady as the projects they’re certifying.
Here’s a screenshot taken from reddit where some people don’t trust them:

Another Layer added to the Trust Factor:
Many investors are choosing to invest in RCOF Tokens and their AI Advisor Bots because they are seeing many Crypto News websites with ‘hyped’ up press releases…

And these so called press releases can be easily found on Google because the sites that host them have high rankings with search engines.
My Verdict:
This looks like an outright scam.
It targets the masses, plays on their emotions and need for financial gains and even tries to show proof of legitimacy.
Here are my reasons for not recommending it:
1- Anonymous Ownership:
Who the heck are these people?
2- No Proof Their Bot Works:
Where’s the proof that they have a bot that can actually create positive returns?
3- Not Registered Legally:
They are claiming that their bot trader can create returns on invested crypto but are not registered with any Securities Regulator in the world.
4- They ‘Block’ users on telegram when ever they raise valid concerns and even appear ruthless about it…

5- Pump and Dump Coins:
Crypto is indeed the ‘Wild Wild West’ of Scams because Billions of people on this very planet are looking for ways to ‘get rich quickly and easily’.
Scammers can literally create a digital coin out of thin air by paying some programmers in India (as an example) a couple hundred bucks, pump it up in value and then eventually dump it causing the majority of investors holding a bag of useless, worthless tokens.
It has happened so many times before and based on the constant interest from the masses to get rich fast with Crypto and investing…
It’s going to keep happening.

About the Author:
-Rory Singh
EX Canadian Truck Driver
I used to work up to 80 hours per week, away from my home and got fed up with that lifestyle. I came online, plugged into a system, followed the steps in training and started creating a part time income. Eventually I got really consistent and replaced my income entirely online and only have to work a couple hours per day.
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