Biggest Mistake Affiliate Marketers Make! Youtube VS Tiktok?

affiliate marketing mistakes

This is by far one of the biggest mistakes new affiliate marketers make right from the start! Problem No 1: Posting on too many video platforms! Most people new to affiliate marketing believe that more is better. In my experience that’s not the case. Why? 1- Using the same video on multiple platforms can work … Read moreBiggest Mistake Affiliate Marketers Make! Youtube VS Tiktok?

Affiliate Mentor Review – Make $1K Per Day Or Hyped Up Scam?

affiliate mentor review

Can you really make up to $1K per day quickly and easily as they claim while allowing you to go on vacation and enjoy life like they are saying? Let’s find out… Affiliate Mentor The Company: There is no information about who owns or runs this company on their website. Upon landing there, visitors are … Read moreAffiliate Mentor Review – Make $1K Per Day Or Hyped Up Scam?